The power distribution company has been active in preventing power theft,the company's employees conducted search operations in various parts of the district. During this operation, 749 numbers and other materials have been seized by the power distribution. The highest number of 269 power thefts have been reported in the vadodara division of power distribution. In this case, offenses have been registered against the persons concerned as per the electricity Regulatory Act.
With the rising summer, the demand for electricity has increased tremendously in the last few days. In the last few days, people in rural areas, including urban areas, have been facing heavy regulation due to the gap between supply and demand. Due to the low availability of coal, power generation in most of the projects as well as water generation due to the increase in demand for water due to summer has also been limited. The power distribution company is currently facing financial difficulties due to the non-payment of electricity bills by many despite repeated suggestions.
The power distribution struggle is on to keep the power supply intact by finding a way out of the problems ahead.
At the same time, it was noticed that there was an increase in power theft in many places. For this, the department, according to the board, formed squads and started searching for the culprits by putting numbers on the main channels. In the last six days, the team of power distribution companies has uncovered 749 types of power theft in the district. The highest number of power thefts is in the vadodara district.
Using electricity by stealing numbers or cables from other places can endanger the life of one's own house, small and big people in the area, or the citizens of the area. Instead of stealing electricity, the official connection should be taken. Consumers should cooperate with the distribution of electricity by getting an official electricity connection and also report power theft in the area.