Strong Warning against ola and Uber..!?

The federal government has issued a stern warning to rental car service companies such as ola and uber following a flurry of consumer complaints. Commenting on this, Consumer Affairs Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh said that complaints are increasing that sites for rental cars are engaging in unfair trade. An ola ride to a nearby place itself prices Rs 400 to 600 which seems to be very unfair to all customers who board by Taxi on daily basis. This sudden increase in price and also unethical behavior of the driver seem to be a shock to many people. The drivers also cancel the journey without valid reasons.
 In particular, there has been an increase in complaints about ride cancellations. Following this, talks were held with companies in the field. It was attended by many companies including 'Ola, uber, Meru, and Rapido'. During the meeting, complaints and related statistics were provided to the companies. They were told that they would face very severe action if they did not make efforts to address these grievances. They have been told that the government will not compromise in the slightest on unfair trade practices. Thus he said.

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