Nightclub Needle Attacks target girls?...
In France, a case of needle attacks has come to the fore. A 20-year-old man is accused of assault with a needle. This young man has been arrested on sunday after several new incidents came to the fore in southern France. A concert for a television show was being shot friday evening on Toulon's Riviera beach. During this, 20 people had reported being injured by the needle. A woman has been admitted to the hospital after being attacked by a needle.
The accused was identified by several women
As soon as the incident came to the fore, there was an atmosphere of panic and many people have also come in panic. The accused has been charged with serious and deliberate armed violence.
However, there are sufficient statements of the witnesses and for this reason he can be produced in the court.
Girls are being targeted
Around 100 cases of needle attack have been reported since the beginning of this year. Girls are being targeted, Girls who are targeted show common symptoms. It is being told that women later come to know the marks of needle pricks on their skin. Where the needle is pricked, the color of the skin also appears to have changed.
HIV test is being done for all the victims
Six teenage girls aged 17-18 have complained of sudden severe pain in their hands and arms during a festival in Cay Belfort in eastern France. 7 girls have complained of needle attack during the shooting. This is where the suspect was arrested. Such cases are coming from different cities across the country. Most of the victims have been asked to undergo a blood test. Some have been given preventive drugs for hiv and hepatitis.