Cyber robbers: Carelessness can cause you a big loss...
The thugs of Cyber World keep ambushing people like these fisherman when there is a mistake and the hunt is complete. For cyber phishing, thugs send such mails, in whose illusions a person loses all his earnings, privacy.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is an online scam. Here criminals use seductive emails, messages, advertisements or other resources to steal sensitive information. In every message there is a link in which some confidential information is asked from you. Often the thugs who send the message cite populist offers. In the email, cyber thugs create a replica of a big website or platform. It looks like the real website of a big organization. Sometimes fraud is done through other means. You are made to fill some important details. Like your aadhar card number, PAN card number, mobile, banking details, debit-credit card details and finally your OTP.
As soon as you fill all the details and enter the OTP, the same amount is deducted from your bank account.

How to Avoid Online Phishing?
Advocate Anurag says that some important things should be taken care of to avoid phishing. Do not click on any unverified link. If clicked then do not fill the details. No company benefits you unnecessarily. No company gives the desired amount. Never fall for such calls, calls or emails, in which you are being offered with a bang. Do not share your banking details with anyone. Do not fill it on any website. If you keep these things in mind, then you can avoid being a victim of phishing.