Baruipur Muder Case similar to Shraddha's Murder...
The Shraddha Walker murder Case in the capital Delhi has blown people's senses. Every day gruesome news related to this case is coming. Now one such case has come from Baruipur in South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal. Here 15-20 days back a young man strangled his father to death. Later, with the help of his mother, he dismembered his father's body into several parts and buried them. Now the accused has been arrested and is being interrogated. A part of the body has been recovered and the search is on for the remaining parts.
Superintendent of police pushpa told, 'The deceased was retired from the Navy. He was a non-commissioned officer in the Navy and retired in the year 2000. He has been identified as 55-year-old Ujjwal Chakraborty. Some pieces of his upper body were stuffed in a plastic bag and thrown into the pond.
Son strangled after a quarrel
SP pushpa further said, 'The family members of Ujjwal Chakraborty wrote a report on november 15 that he was missing. Investigation has revealed that he used to drink a lot and often used to beat his son. On 14 november, he had a fight with his family members. His son strangulated him, Ujjwal died due to strangulation.
According to the police, when Ujjwal died, his son dismembered his body. Ujjwal's wife also helped her son in all this. It has not yet been confirmed that how many pieces of the body were cut. The other part of the deceased's body was found near the house. The main accused in the case have been arrested and the investigation is on.