Another murder like Shraddha Walkar case...

A man from rajasthan has perpetrated another such horrible crime, weeks after the horrifying Shraddha Walkar case in delhi came to light. On Saturday, police announced that the suspect was accused of killing his aunt, dismembering her body, and scattering the pieces across the vicinity of the delhi Highway. He afterwards reported his aunt missing and started looking for her with other family members, according to the police. However, he admitted to using a hammer to kill his aunt on december 11 when the police started looking into him after growing suspicious of him.

Anuj Sharma, also known as Achitya Govind Das, is the 33-year-old accused. police arrested the guy on thursday after discovering that he had been a part of the "Hare Krishna" movement for the preceding seven to eight years.

A spokesperson of the organisation in Jaipur, however, asserted that Sharma had not been active the year before as a result of the death of his mother. Saroj Sharma, 65, who had gone to the shrine the day before, was reported missing by Sharma to the police that evening on december 11.

How did the police find out?

According to the police, his actions were watched after it was discovered that his claims were incorrect throughout the inquiry. He can be seen leaving his home with a suitcase in surveillance footage that the police discovered. They stated that a relative had seen him attempting to remove blood stains from a surface near the kitchen of the house. police said he admitted hitting his aunt over the head with a hammer before killing her.

Anuj Sharma and the accused were at home alone on december 11 since Anuj's father had departed for Indore, according to the police. She objected to Anuj Sharma visiting Delhi. They asserted that he hit her with a hammer after a heated disagreement. The incident took place in the kitchen. After carrying the body to the toilet, the suspect, according to investigators, used a marble cutter to cut it into eight to ten pieces. The suspect loaded the body pieces inside a suitcase and dropped them on different sections of the delhi highway.

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