Death of children due to cough medicine..!?

A heartbreaking incident where children died due to adulterated cough syrup happened in Cameroon. It is suspected that the drug, which turned fatal, was manufactured in India. In the Central African country of Cameroon, children have been losing their lives for some time now. A preliminary investigation by the country's medical authorities revealed that coughing was the cause of their deaths. It is reported that the manufacturing license number of Nature Cold Cough Medicine has been matched with a company in India. Deaths of children have increased in the last few days in the country of Cameroon. An investigation into the loss of nearly 12 lives has begun. In this order, the authorities released the syrup photos. None of the medicines they exported were adulterated: The manufacturer's name is not written on the Naturecold medicine canisters. Only the manufacturing license number is printed, and it is believed to be an indian company. An english media article revealed that Reiman Labs of Indore, madhya pradesh has the same license.It is in this context that it is suspected that this medicine is manufactured in India. naveen Bhatia, director of Reiman, revealed that it is the same as the medicine made by their company. However, they expressed confidence that there are many types of medicines in the world that are fake, and none of the medicines they exported were adulterated. Earlier, the Center made government lab approval mandatory for exported cough medicines.

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