Reason behind strictness on child pornographic videos...?

Nowadays, child pornographic videos are spreading rapidly through the internet and social media. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, 781 cases of making or possessing child porn were registered in 2018. This number was 331 in 2017. Odisha had the highest number of such cases (333) registered in 2018, while there were only eight cases here in 2017.

Reports suggest that about 100 people were arrested or summoned for watching and circulating child porn across the country since november 2019. Apart from this, the Crime Investigation Department of gujarat found the names of 62 pedophiles in the same month. In october 2019, the cbi registered cases against seven indians involved in an international child sex trafficking racket. But it was not told whether these people also make such videos.

According to NCRB data, a child is sexually abused every 15 minutes in India. However, it cannot be said how many of these incidents happen inside homes, but those working with victims and several independent studies estimate that 70-90 percent of all child abuse is done by people known to the child.

The main objective of this recent strictness of the supreme court is to prevent sexual abuse and abuse against children. Children are considered the most vulnerable and vulnerable. Any kind of abuse with them has a serious impact on their mental and physical health. The supreme Court's decision gives a clear message in the society that sexual crimes against children will not be tolerated.

Section 15 of the POCSO Act provides for different punishments in three sub-sections ranging from fine to imprisonment of 3 to 5 years. In the decision, the supreme Court has said that the police and courts should keep in mind that if a rule does not apply in the case of possessing pornographic videos of a child, it does not mean that no crime has been committed. They should check whether other rules apply or not.

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