The use of drugs is on the rise, particularly among young people who are drug dependent and who are damaging their future. It is reasonable to assume that narcotics are widespread here, and the provision of these substances has become a centre, especially for various countries and beyond. Consequently increasing numbers of young people are addicted to it throughout the state. Criticisms regarding what the government does if the kids are inebriated, the wellspring of future generations. Cannabis is being trafficked via hyderabad on andhra pradesh and odisha borders. In particular, hyderabad has become a leading source of heroin drugs.

On the other side, rajasthan opium production has also rapidly grown. Roughly 30% of the cannabis delivered to maharashtra has been reported here from hyderabad as being smuggled. Rs. The recovery of heroin worth Rs 121 crore at hyderabad airport in one month, shows that hyderabad has obviously become a sanctuary for narcotic drugs. Some parents and lawmakers are wondering what the state administration is doing. In contrast, the cargo continued despite the authorities' monitoring.

Drugs are being delivered in innovative methods with a profit from Rs. The officials in hyderabad have now become mostly responsible for inspecting this narcotics group. What steps are done to limit the availability of these medications, however, remain to be seen. However, Condair has been arrested in the past but does not control the company in full. It is a cause of concern. There is considerable criticism that if this happens to young people in the country, the government is doing nothing.

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