How to give protection to girl children?

Fears for the safety of girls are even greater for parents today. coimbatore RS Puram Chinmaya school student who commits suicide is very sad. This has increased the fear among parents of how to take care of our girl child.

Ways to help protect girl children:

1. Do not be afraid:

Many children today live in fear. The main reason for this is that they live and grow more lonely. Leaving the sprawling kinship meetings, they live in an apartment building along with their mother and father, without talking to anyone and getting used to it. And because both parents go to work, the child becomes more lonely. Thus they naturally do not know how to deal with many situations and how to deal with the environment. So they begin to doubt for no reason. It is very important to try to overcome this. Fear is the enemy of progress! Courage is the key to success. You can even tell your life experiences and build self-confidence.

2. Always have a focus on children:

Never allow a person to take her away who may not fit your child properly. Teach sex and its virtues maturely during the growing season. Otherwise, society will teach them evil values about it. Once a child makes an accusation about someone, start noticing it. Do not be silent after listening. Let the child know that you have taken action for that.

3. Encourage open sharing:

Parents, siblings, friends should be loving and caring to share things. The mother should also instruct her girl child to share any matter openly. 

4. Strength and courage:

Crying can do nothing, only skill, courage, and action will get you what you want. 

5. Legal action

Contact the child helpline first or report it to the police. Arrangements should also be made to provide counseling and legal assistance to children by telephone. 

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