Heaviest strawberry in the world - broke Japan's record!!!
In Israel, a man named Ariel Chahi grow a strawberry of 289 Grams in his garden. You will be surprised to know that it is the heaviest strawberry in the world. According to the official website of the Guinness Book of World Records, this strawberry is 18 cm long and 34 cm wide.

If the weight of this strawberry was compared to the iphone XR, then it turned out to be 100 grams more than the phone in weight. After this experiment, this strawberry got this title. This information has also been shared by the Guinness Book of World Records.
This crop named Ilan variety is known for its large size strawberries. It was first grown by Dr. Neer Dai of the Agricultural Research Organization of Israel.
According to the report, the end of january and the beginning of february are cold, so it's apt for this strawberry season. strawberry develops after 45 days of flowering, due to which it is large when it comes to the stage of ripening. Not only strawberries, but cold weather is beneficial for four more fruits. Before this, the heaviest strawberry was grown in Koji Nakao, Japan, its weight was 250 grams.