What is the intention of Vladimir Putin behind annexing Crimea in 2014 and then attacking ukraine in 2022? How can their dream of a united russia come true and which countries will be at risk if ukraine surrenders to Russia?

Now 23 years have passed since Russian President Vladimir Putin ruled the country. The funny thing is that during this period, india has seen the rule of three Prime Ministers, America has seen four Presidents, whereas Putin has been seen leading the country by taking the post of President or prime minister in russia as before. 

Putin has attacked Crimea for the first time in 2014 and now ukraine in 2022, after trying to consolidate russia for most of his tenure. The statements that have come out from Putin's side after these attacks reveal Putin's desire to create a 'united Russia'.

How can their dream of a united russia come true and if ukraine surrenders to russia, which countries will be threatened and how will the concerns of the NATO alliance increase further?

Know first- what has been the scope of united russia in history?

Russian President Vladimir Putin talked about the Russian Empire in his address to the nation before the attack on Ukraine. In such a situation, it is believed that they want to extend the scope of russia to before World War-1 I.

Before the World War, the scope of the Russian Empire was spread to 17 countries. How big was the scope of russia before World War-1 can be gauged from the fact that at one time the Russian Empire was spread over 17 countries? 

Before 1917, the Russian Empire included russia, ukraine, belarus, moldova, finland, armenia, azerbaijan, Georgia, (Central Asia) kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, (Baltic countries) lithuania, latvia, Estonia, in addition to poland Parts of turkey were also included.

The member countries of the Russian Empire kept on increasing after the World War.

However, Russia's scope began to decline after the First World War. The monarchy in russia came to an end after the 1917 movement in Russia. russia then lost finland, Estonia, latvia, lithuania, ukraine, Georgia, armenia and azerbaijan in 1918. 

But in 1922, russia once again made a treaty and organized ukraine, belarus, Georgia, armenia and Azerbaijan. From here the Russian Empire was reduced to become the Soviet Union.

Soviet Union emerged in the Second World War, the number of members increased

During the Second World War, russia once again tried to reconcile its old parts. The Soviets occupied poland by sending troops in 1939, while occupied finland in late 1939. Later they were also liberated. 

But it was only in 1940 that Soviet forces took possession of the Baltic countries - lithuania, latvia and Estonia.

How far were the borders of the Soviet Union?

The disintegration of the Soviet Union, whose center has always been russia, began in 1988, 34 years ago. Before this, how big the Soviet was, it can be gauged from the fact that where it was bordered by the Arctic Ocean in the north, there was the Pacific Ocean in its north. 

In the south, the borders of the USSR extended to North Korea, Mongolia, China, Afghanistan, iran and Turkey. The southern frontier of the Soviets was covered by three seas - the Caspian, the Black sea and the sea of Azov. Also in the west Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, poland, finland and norway shared borders with the USSR.

15 countries became independent after the breakup of the Soviet

Estonia was the first to declare itself autonomous after the Soviet dissolution began in 1988. lithuania then announced itself to pull itself out of the Soviets. Shortly after, latvia also became an independent nation from the Soviet Union.

 Azerbaijan and armenia became the next independent nations during this breakup in the USSR. By the end of 1991, belarus and ukraine also became independent from the Soviets. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan were among the last countries that decided to leave the union in 1992. 

Apart from this, Georgia, moldova also became separate republics. That is, a total of 15 independent nations emerged from the Soviet Union.


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