World No Tobacco Day: Say No to Tobacco!!!

Smoking is injurious to health, you must have heard this line. World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year on 31st May to spread awareness about the deadly diseases caused by smoking. This day was started in 1987. There is no doubt that tobacco is harmful to both health and the environment. In such a situation, you should tell about the harm of tobacco among your friends and family on this day. Let us know some slogans and messages for World No Tobacco Day.

The slogan for World No Tobacco Day

1. Speak about tobacco for yourself and your loved ones.

2. Spending on smoking is not necessary.

3. If You're Thinking About Smoking, Think Again.

4. Smoking is like chopping onions. It affects you and the people around you.

5. Say yes to health and no to smoking.

Message for World No Tobacco Day

1. Tobacco is such a poison that first makes you hollow day by day and then ends your life. We recommend celebrating World No Tobacco Day for your health.

2. Bad habits have a negative effect on life. Think again and say no to tobacco.

3. Tobacco kills more people than any other addiction and now it is the time to educate young and old alike to stay away from tobacco. Happy World No Tobacco Day!

4. Your family and friends need you. Save yourself and their lives. Happy World No Tobacco Day!

5. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step... Take the first step towards your goal by saying no to tobacco.

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