The problem with Jani master has sparked debates in both governmental and business sectors. Following the Justice hema Committee Report, the kerala film industry is in disarray. One by one, the victims have shown signs of bravery and vulnerability. It appeared as though the sector was about to implode. tollywood has the same concerns. These things don't always end with a single case. More victims coming forward might mean that the Pandora box is unlocked. Everyone is therefore anxious.

We've seen poonam kaur discuss trivikram following the Jani master controversy. We're not sure if she will come clean and share everything, or if she will continue to make vague remarks like she has been doing for the last three to four years. In the meantime, a fresh debate appeared in the sector out of nowhere. Some claim that independent musicians, YouTubers, and influencers only make money when things go well and turn to complaining when they don't. Within the profession, there are some who entice women with expensive presents, cash, or even regular payments.

When everything is in order, everything goes smoothly. However, the way these men behave, they don't remain with just one lady. They cease giving these presents and money when their tastes alter. They claim that after that, the women feel abandoned and use their complaints as a kind of blackmail. Then then, are the women or the men at fault in this situation? women who are exploited are defined by law. women who are caught for prostitution are referred to as victims and are placed in rescue homes rather than prisons. Here, there is no room for doubt. Men are the ones who exploit women, and women are those who exploit men.

However, society does not tolerate forgiveness. The business is attempting to make the case that these ladies are only having consensual relationships or sex in order to make easy money, and that when things go wrong, they just play the victim. Thus, an effort is being made to demonstrate that there is no right or incorrect answer to these problems. Why are the girls considered victims by the law? It is well known that the film business has a bad reputation for abusing women.
The majority of women enter this field hoping to succeed. Opportunities are presented to them, luring them into this quagmire. With lavish presents and monthly payments, they were enticed into the world of instagram glamour. The majority of these girls come from middle-class and impoverished families. Their family don't provide them the required attention or the means to live an Instagram-worthy existence. They think instagram is the quick route to the glitz and celebrity they wanted in the movie business. The exploiters enter and lure them with expensive presents and cash into this quagmire. Though society is complex, the law is unambiguous about who may be an exploiter and who can be exploited.

They think women, especially those who flaunt their instagram Reels, are wrong and that males are the ones who should be entitled. This kind of thinking predates today. Even in the past, society might overlook a negative character from a guy, but when a woman did the same, it would be met with outrage. The exploiters attempt to take advantage of society's belief that there is no right or wrong person. This dilutes the problem. The trap they create for women is the Instagram-worthy life promise. They leave using the same instagram, showing her clips and damaging her reputation.

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