According to sources the Indian Railways through the Southern Railway, Chennai Division, has released a notification inviting applications in a prescribed format from eligible and experienced candidates for filling 142 vacancies to the post of Junior Engineer/P.Way and Junior Engineer/Track Machine Organization (TMO) through direct recruitment. Applications through offline mode must be submitted on or before June 06, 2019 by 5:30 pm.
The selection of candidates as JE/P.Way and JE/TMO through Southern Railway Recruitment will be done through GDCE Test comprising of Written Examination, Document Verification and Medical Examination as detailed in the notification. Candidates selected as JE/P.Way and JE/TMO will be paid an emolument under Level 6 of 7 CPC pay matrix.
Candidates applying for the post of JE/P.Way and JE/TMO through Southern
Railway Recruitment must fill the application form in a prescribed format as
specified in the notification, and submit the same directly to RRC/Chennai to,
"The Chairman, Railway Recruitment Cell, No.5, Dr.P.V.Cherian Cresent
Road, Behind Ethiraj College, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008," on or before
June 06, 2019 by ordinary post. Download the Application Form here