The Indian Navy through the Naval Ship Repair Yard (NSRY) in Karwar, karnataka, has invited online applications from eligible and interested Indian nationals for filling 145 Apprentice vacancies in multiple trades comprising Shipwright (Wood), Electrician, Electronics Mechanic, Fitter, Information and Communication technology Maintenance, Instrument Mechanic, Machinist, Marine Engine Fitter, Building Maintenance Technician, Mechanic diesel, Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance, Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Turner, Welder (Gas & Electric), etc, posts through direct selection. Applications through online as well as offline mode must be submitted before december 1, 2019.
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Desirous candidates applying for Apprentices post through Indian Navy Recruitment 2019 must have completed 14 years of age as on April 1, 2019 and not be more than 21 years (Gen/EWS), with a relaxation (upper age limit) up to 5 years (26 years) for SC/ST candidates as specified in the notification. For regarding fee towards application processing, refer to the official advertisement given at the end of the article.

Candidates applying for Apprentices post through Indian Navy Recruitment 2019 must register and submit their applications at on or before december 1, 2019. Post registration, candidates must take a printout of their submitted application and forward the same along with the documents listed in the notification to the, "The Officer-in-Charge, Dockyard Apprentice school, NSRY, Naval Base PO, Karwar, karnataka - 581 308," on or before december 1, 2019 by speed/ registered post.

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