Meghalaya police has invited applications for the post of Sub-Inspector, Armed Branch Constable, Commando Constable and other posts. The meghalaya police recruitment 2019 was released for a total of 1015 vacancies. Interested candidates who satisfy all the eligibility conditions set by the office of the Additional director General of police and Chairman Central Recruiting Board can apply online till december 14, 2019. Aspirants can find all the details about meghalaya police recruitment 2019 below.
UBSI & SF10 ABSI - 21 to 27 years Follower (Male) (AB/UB Group & SF 10 Group) - 18 to 27 years All other posts - 18 to 21 years
Interested candidates should visit the official website of ''Government of meghalaya Central Recruitment Board'' to apply online. The last date to apply online is december 14, 2019.