Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), India's premier 'Navaratna' PSU under the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of india, has invited applications in a prescribed format from qualified and experienced indian nationals for filling vacancies to the post of Medical Officers (Ayurvedic and Homeopathy) through direct recruitment to be posted at BEL's chennai unit. The offline application process towards the same closes on april 25, 2020.

The selection of candidates as Medical Officers post through BEL Recruitment 2020 will be done through Shortlisting, interview and Document Verification. Candidates selected as Medical Officers post through BEL Recruitment 2020 will be paid emolument as per the BEL norms.

Candidates applying for Medical Officers post through BEL Recruitment 2020 must fill the application form in a prescribed format attached with the advertisement post-download, and submit/send the same along with relevant supporting documents/testimonials to the "Sr. Dy. General Manager (HR&A), Bharat Electronics Limited, BEL - army Road, Nandambakkam, chennai - 600 089" on or before april 25, 2020 through a proper channel.

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