The tamil Nadu government declared on monday that re-exams would be held for anna university students whose results were withheld due to suspected irregularities. The university's online tests were taken by over a lakh students. These exams were conducted in february, and the results were recently published.

The decision to hold re-examinations was made after several students lodged online complaints to the concerned officials and the Chief Minister's Special Cell, claiming that the online exams had many flaws, such as not being able to proceed with the exams if internet access was lost. students were also asked to pose their electronic devices so that their faces were recorded on camera for the entire hour of exams, with no movement. Based on these allegations, the chief minister met with the State minister for Higher education on monday and ordered that all students whose results were withheld due to suspected irregularities be re-examined.

An official release confirmed the decision to hold re-exams, which would follow the old question paper pattern. students who want to take re-exams are excluded from paying fees. Though the re-exam is intended for students whose results have been withheld, students who have received pass marks in the online exams can also take the re-exam, according to the release. It goes on to say that exams will last three hours. More information on re-examination would be given by the respective colleges in a few days, and students were advised to keep an eye on the university's website for updates.

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