Juice Vendor Passed RPSC PTI Exam!!!
It is said that luck favors those who believe in themselves. If you work hard, are determined towards your goals then you can achieve anything. This is the story of Bhawani Singh Bhati, 27, a juice seller in jodhpur, who recently passed the Physical Training Instructor (PTI) exam conducted by the RPSC.
After graduating, Bhawani Singh Bhati started a juice shop in front of the famous ashok Udyan in jodhpur to arrange money on his own. Describing his success journey, Bhawani Singh said, "I come from a small village near Jodhpur. I didn't want to depend on my parents after graduation. I opened this juice shop so that I could earn some money and raise funds for my studies."
Over the years Bhawani appeared in more than 20 competitive exams including rajasthan and central government exams, but could not clear them. He didn't lose hope and continued to look for better opportunities along with running his own juice shop. He continued his online studies.
How was Bhawani's routine?
Bhavani's day starts at 4 in the morning. He used to get up early in the morning so that he could start the work of preparing juice for the tourists. Working at the stalls used to keep him busy throughout the day. Once he closed the shop, he used to take short breaks in the afternoon for revision and studies at his home. I am thrilled that I have been selected for this prestigious position," he said.