The earth has started rotating slower than before!

The earth rotates on its own axis all the time. This rotation causes day and night. Till now we have been hearing that the earth's temperature is increasing due to climate change, the sea level is rising, but now a new thing has come to light. Scientists have found that the earth's rotation speed is also decreasing due to climate change.

Scientists have found that melting ice from greenland and Antarctica is accumulating near the equator. This is changing the shape of the earth a bit, due to which it has started rotating slowly. This is another proof of how big a threat climate change is.

Scientists have studied the last 200 years. They found that in the last twenty years, due to rising sea levels, the earth's rotation speed has decreased by about 0.0013 seconds every 100 years.

However, this is such a small time difference that we do not know about it, but this small change can affect our technologies. Nowadays we are connected not only to each other but also to space. In such a situation, things that detect very accurate time, such as GPS, stock market, computer network and spacecraft can be affected by this change. If the time is not correct, then all these will be affected.

What is polar ice?

Polar ice sheet or polar ice caps means a very thick layer of ice frozen on the poles (North and South) of the Earth. These ice layers are spread over several kilometers above the sea or on the land. These are mainly found in antarctica and the Arctic, which have been frozen for thousands of years. The temperature is very low in the polar regions, due to which water freezes and turns into ice and gradually thick layers of ice accumulate. Sunlight does not fall directly here, due to which the temperature remains low and the ice does not melt.

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