How is the speed of Earth's rotation decreasing?

To understand this better, we need to know one thing from science, which is called 'Conservation of Angular Momentum'. Understand it with the example of ice skating. When a skater spreads both his hands, he rotates slowly, but when he shrinks his hands, he starts rotating fast. This happens because of 'angular momentum'.

Angular momentum tells how fast an object is rotating and what is its shapeWhen a skater spreads his hands, his size increases, so he rotates slowly and when he shrinks his hands, his size becomes smaller, so he starts rotating fast. But in both the situations, his angular momentum always remains the same.

Now think about the Earth. The Earth is also rotating in a way. When the ice of the poles melts, it turns into water and mixes with the sea. This water mostly collects in the middle part of the Earth. This changes the shape of the Earth a little. This change reduces the rotation speed of the earth. It is like the speed of rotation of a skater when he stretches his hands. That is, it takes a little more time to complete a day.

Effect of moon on earth

It takes 24 hours for the earth to complete one revolution around the sun, that is, 86400 seconds. This time is determined by the moon. The speed of rotation of the earth is also gradually decreasing due to the moon. Every 100 years, a day becomes 0.0023 seconds longer. The moon uses the energy of the earth's rotation to move away from the earth. According to a forbes report, after 200 million years, the moon will move further away from the earth and the earth will rotate more slowly. At that time, a day can be of 25 hours.

On the other hand, due to climate change, not only the speed of rotation of the earth is changing, but the axis of the earth is also moving a little. When the ice of the poles melts, it turns into water and comes near the equator. This changes the weight of the earth a little, due to which the axis of the earth also moves a little. This is a very small change, but it shows how deeply the effect of climate change is going.

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