Is there any danger to humanity from AI?

British-Canadian computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton, known as the 'Godfather' in the field of Artificial Intelligence, has recently given a scary warning. He says that AI is growing so fast that humans may be wiped out in the next 30 years.

Geoffrey Hinton, who has been awarded the Nobel prize in 2024 for his work in the field of AI, says that there is a 10% to 20% chance that AI will wipe out humans in the next 30 years. This is a very big warning and we have to think seriously about it. Hinton believes that AI can be so powerful that it goes out of human control and becomes a threat to us. This is a concern that cannot be ignored.

Earlier Hinton had said that there is a 10% chance of AI being bad for humans. But now he has said in a BBC Radio 4 program that this possibility can be from 10% to 20%. That is, he has changed his estimate a little and now he sees more danger from AI.

Hinton is worried because some experts believe that AI can become smarter than humans in the next 20 years. Therefore, Hinton says that the government should make rules for AI because it is developing very fast. He also says that only companies cannot be trusted because they only want to earn profits. government rules are necessary to develop AI in a safe manner.

Remember, technology is our servant, we are not servants of technology. If we use technology properly, it can make our future bright. But if we are not careful, it can also destroy us.

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