The Last Date To Apply Nowadays For odisha police SI Recruitment 2025 is right here. Here's the direct link.
Odisha police SI Recruitment 2025: The web registration process for the 933 Sub Inspector and equal vacancies in odisha police will close today, february 10. Candidates can follow at odishapolice.gov.in.
There is no software rate on this recruitment pressure, the odisha police Recruitment Board said within the notification.
Emptiness details
Sub-Inspector of Police: 609 vacancies
Sub-Inspector of police (Armed): 253 vacancies
Station Officer (hearth service): forty-seven vacancies
Assistant Jailor beneath the house department, government of Odisha: 24 vacancies
Here is the direct hyperlink to apply.
Odisha police SI recruitment 2025: Eligibility standards and different critical points for applicants
Humans with disabilities are not eligible for these posts. Ladies, transgender applicants can apply for odisha police SI and Assistant Jailor posts handiest.
Candidates who are between 21 and 25 years old on january 1, 2024, can apply for these vacancies. The upper age limit has been eased by five years for SC, ST, SEBC, and girl candidates.
The applicant has to be a citizen of India, of suitable morals, and a man or woman. S/he should be of sound fitness and physique and free from any organic disorder or body disease.
The applicant should have the ability to speak, examine, and write Odia, having exceeded ME college or better-degree examinations with Odia as a topic, HSC or equal exam with Odia as a medium in non-language topics, or the written check in Odia in ME college well-known, carried out by using the Board of Secondary education (BSE) Odisha.
The ones who have more than one dwelling partner or were convicted of a criminal offense aren't eligible to apply.
Applicants want a bachelor's degree for SI police, SI police (Armed), and Assistant Jailor posts.
Simplest science/Engineering graduates can follow for the Station Officer (fireplace provider) put up.
Candidates can check the particular commercial hosted on the professional internet site for greater information about odisha police SI recruitment 2025.