Cases of Dengue: The ap is ringing the dengue Danger Bells. The dengue cases rise due to the monsoon season. The crowned COVID still hasn't left... There's yet another pandemic boom that panics people. The fangs of Corona spread throughout the country. The case of corona in ap is also on the rise. There are still concerns about the situation in three of the four districts. Also, some students are infected with the coronavirus with the reopening of schools. Before the second wave is completely over, fears of a third wave (Corona Third Wave) are coming. Another pandemic at a time like this is people-trading.
It's the monsoon season, actually. In the period of cross-pollination of viral fevers, the dengue season extends beyond the corona. people have to go to hospitals in nearly all districts. Especially in the agencies, the situation is worsening. The ap is currently ringing dengue danger bells. It is reported twice as many cases. In hospitals the victims of dengue are overcrowded. Because of the absence of torrential rain sanitation, mosquitoes thrive. dengue causes people to shake with actual fluctuations in the corona.
On the other hand, seasonal diseases and corona and dengue are prevalent. In view of the latest situation, the number of cases of dengue fever increases day after day and causes people concern. For the last ten days, dengue cases have risen in the state. In particular, medical professionals warns corona patients to be more careful. It makes you warn that you run a risk of falling no matter how neglected the plate is. Patients with dengue are asked to consult the doctor. Fever fluctuates between 101 and 105 degrees during dengue for up to five days. The bones pain as though they were broken. Therefore, dengue is also called Break Bone Fever.