DSP who refuses to wear mask..?

The recent incident of DSP has caused a stir on social media when a DSP in normal clothes got into an argument with a police officer who was conducting a usual vehicle inspection. The DSP said that he did not wear the helmet nor the mask because he already put 2 vaccines and a booster dose.
Already Corona spread in tamil Nadu is spreading at an uncontrollable rate. The daily cases exceed 30,000. At the same time, the death toll is also rising significantly. In this situation, mask and social distancing are mandatory in tamil Nadu. In tamil Nadu, police are catching unmasked people and those violating corona curfew rules, which includes vehicle confiscation and a fine.
On Saturday, police were engaged in a vehicle search in Chennai.

 At that time, a person who came on a two-wheeler without wearing a helmet and a mask was stopped and asked to pay a fine. At the time, the man had injected all three doses of vaccine and then got into an argument with the police asking why he should wear a mask even after vaccination. He was also subsequently charged with failing to wear a helmet and his motorcycle was confiscated. It was then revealed that Sabapathy is a DSP at the thanjavur police Training college who had come to a relative's house in Chennai. 

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