Health Tips: Benefits of star gooseberry!!!
Gooseberry is used in Ayurvedic medicine to cure many problems, the leaves of star gooseberry are used to treat jaundice, smallpox, itching, and gum infection. Star gooseberry cleanses the body and blood by completely expelling toxins from the body, it acts as an antidote for the formation of hemoglobin.
Rich in many nutrients like vitamin c, B1, B2, B3 - Star gooseberry is rich in nutrients like Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, and Ash. Is that all? Star gooseberry also contains protein, fiber, water, and carotene.
The fiber and water in Star gooseberry help in the process of digestion. Star gooseberry, acts as a laxative and medicine for constipation and hemorrhoids.
Vitamin C in Star gooseberry provides immunity to the body. It protects us from infections including colds and coughs. vitamin c in Star gooseberry helps to maintain smooth and radiant skin which can give amazing benefits for skincare, it's leaves are suitable for those who want to lose weight.
Anemia can be prevented by regular consumption of gooseberry. Gallstones get dissolved from the gallbladder due to the consumption of gooseberry. Also, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, Star gooseberry has the property of balancing the bile.