Summer Tips: Benefits of earthen pot water!!!
Water is an important substance in the summer season. Water is used to regulate the temperature of the body and due to this, the body functions smoothly. But according to the experts, the fridge water harms the body and affects the metabolism. Also affects the throat and lungs. That is why even today many doctors suggest drinking water from the pitcher. According to Ayurvedic scriptures, pitcher water acts as nectar for the body in many ways and it is rich in medicinal elements. Know what are the benefits of earthen pot water:
Pure water
Soil has the properties of purifying water. Therefore, water is found pure and contains minerals in a pot made of clay.
There is a better solution for the skin:
In the summer season, many skin-related problems arise, such as stickiness, pimples, or acne. In such a situation, the water of the pitcher controls the problem of your skin and it makes the glow emerge.
Relief from throat problem
During the summer season, everyone likes the water in the fridge, but it also brings many problems along with it. The biggest problem is the sore throat from the water in the fridge. Therefore, by drinking water from the pitcher, you are not troubled by any such problem.
A useful way to prevent heatstroke
The water of the pitcher naturally brings coolness to the water, so it is not harmful to the body. Also, the water in the pitcher can be drunk in more quantities as compared to the fridge. Therefore there is no shortage of water in the body and you can avoid heatstroke.