Medicines without Doctor's Prescription..?

The federal government is set to introduce a new law that would allow people to buy 16 types of pills without a doctor's prescription. It is noteworthy that the federal government is about to release a bill to this effect and as a result, 16 types of pills, including paracetamol, can now be purchased at pharmacies.
It has been reported that a doctor's prescription is not required for the purchase of 16 types of medicines but at the same time medicines other than these 16 types of medicines should not be sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The Union Ministry of health has been consulting to bring about a change in the legal provisions of the health Department in this regard. Among the 16 types of medicines that are allowed to be purchased without a doctor's prescription are paracetamol, disinfectant tablets, dextromethorphan hydrochloride lozenges, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal creams, nasal decongestants, and anti-allergy medications.It has been announced that the law will soon be passed in parliament and that with the approval of the President, the public will be able to purchase the above drugs at drug stores without a doctor's prescription.But at the same time, it is advised that those concerned should approach the doctor immediately if the disease does not improve even after 5 days of using these drugs. The federal government has also announced that the public can submit their suggestions on the bill.

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