What are the signs of Kidney stones?

Nowadays one person in 10 has kidney problem. Sudden severe pain in the stomach and this pain persists continuously means that you may have a problem of kidney stone. This is the most important symptom of abdominal pain coming down to the waist. Kidney is an important part of our body and through this it reaches the rest of the organs by purifying the blood. 

What is Kidney Stone?

Our urine contains minerals and acid salts, when it becomes hard and breaks into pieces, then it takes the form of stone. If this kidney stone gets stuck in the way of urine, then you feel very severe pain. Stones consisting of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate are formed due to an imbalance between chemical constituents in urine.

Causes of Kidney Stone

By drinking less water

Sometimes it's genetic

On taking medicines for persistent inflammation

Due to the increase in the amount of uric acid in the body

Having gastric bypass surgery or other intestinal surgery

Consuming high amounts of sodium or sugar or both in the diet

Long-term use of urinary medications or calcium-based medications.

On taking more rice, green leafy vegetables, tomato and seed things in the diet.

What are the symptoms of kidney stone?

Very small sized stones or stones found in the kidney usually pass through the urinary tract but if they are large then it is difficult.

severe back pain that spreads around the lower abdomen and into the groin.

Signs of pain in the lower part of the waist,

Symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting,

High fever or chills due to urinary tract infection,

Frequent swelling of hands and feet are its signs,

Sometimes, there is an excruciating pain in the back, which most people think is due to a muscle bridge but is actually caused by a small sized kidney stone.

Early fatigue and feeling weak are symptoms of kidney stones.

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