How cheese strengthens bones and reduces sugar?

Cheese is a full fat dairy product, which is not considered good for heart health. But a research has found that a certain type of cheese not only has the properties of reducing blood sugar but also has the ability to keep cholesterol level under control.

Research has found that Norwegian cheese has such a quality that it lowers blood glucose and improves bone health, while not allowing the amount of cholesterol in the blood to increase. The name of this Norwegian cheese is Jarlsberg which is prepared from cow's milk and it is very soft and tastes like almonds in taste. This thing is named after the place Jarlsberg in eastern Norway.

Research has found that this thing increases the production of a protein called osteocalcin in our body. Osteocalcin is a hormone produced by osteoblasts, a cell necessary for bone formation. Along with this, research has been found that consuming it in a certain amount reduces the level of HbA1c, an indicator of diabetes. HbA1c is a type of hemoglobin that tells the amount of blood sugar present in blood cells.

According to a report published in the BMJ Nutrition Prevention and health Journal, this thing can strengthen bones and does not affect cholesterol levels. It was told in research that by eating this thing, vitamin K2 and vitamin MK9 are also nourished. These vitamins are essential for strong bones. Gruyere and Gouda cheeses are readily available in india as substitutes for Jarlsberg cheese, which have been found to have similar properties. 

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