Even after the expiry date, these things are not bad, know which things are included in the list

Do you know that there are many such things present in your kitchen, which you can use even after the expiry date? If these things are kept well stored, then the person can use them for a long time.

Often, while buying food items from the market, we definitely check the expiry date written on them. So that we can know the exact time of its deterioration. Consuming expired things can have a bad effect on the health of the person, due to which the person can become ill.
But do you know that there are many such things present in your kitchen, which you can use even after the expiry date? If these things are stored well then a person can use them for a long time. Let us know about some such things.Honey-Honey has a low acidic pH which prevents bacteria from growing. You can simply store honey in an airtight glass bottle and it will last for years. It may crystallize over time, but it remains absolutely safe for consumption.

Vinegar is a self-preserving agent and is widely used for preserving and fermenting other foods such as pickles. You can store vinegar in your kitchen cabinet. It will not spoil even in hot conditions.
salt-Whether it is normal white salt or rock salt, any type of salt does not spoil for a long time if stored properly. Use an air-tight container to store the salt.

Pasta does not spoil unless affected by moisture. Use an airtight container to store pasta. It lasts for at least 1-2 years even after the expiry date. You can use dry red chilies to prevent pasta from getting infected by insects.

Usually, the shelf life of refined sugar is written on the packet as 2 years, but sugar can be used for a long time if stored properly. Use a dry and clean jar to store the sugar and always use a dry spoon to remove it. Keep in mind, that if your stored sugar begins to crystallize and has a musty smell, you need to throw it away.

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