Surprising Side Effects of Brinjal...
Now the next time when brinjal vegetable stuffing comes into your plate, then put this news in front of your mother, not your nose and mouth because in this news today we are telling you about the side effects of brinjal.
At the same time, even if you like brinjal, it is important for you to know in which the disease can become serious by eating it and when it is not right to eat brinjal. So let's know when to avoid eating brinjal.
If your digestive power is weak then you should stay away from eating brinjal. brinjal can cause gas, acidity and indigestion.
If you are taking any kind of anti-depressant medicine or going through stress, then you should avoid eating brinjal.
Brinjal is full of iron, so if you have a problem of high iron in your body, then you should avoid eating brinjal.
Avoid eating brinjal in case of anemia, because in the absence of blood, it is not necessary that this is happening due to lack of iron in the body. people with thalassemia have more iron in the body and less folic acid due to this reason there is more blood loss. Therefore, avoid eating brinjal even in this disease.
Even if there is a problem of irritation in the eyes, then you should avoid eating brinjal because iron can dry the eyes and increase the irritation.
This may aggravate the problem.
Brinjal also harms in the problem of stones. Its seeds are more harmful.