Do Vegetarians Live Longer? Big disclosure in the study, know the effect of diet on health

In the last few years, there has been an increasing trend of people towards a vegetarian diet globally. A large number of people have shifted to a vegetarian diet due to environmental or health reasons. Studies show that the habit of consuming vegetarian foods i.e. plant-derived foods helps in easy access to essential nutrients for the body, as well as reduces the risk of developing problems like cholesterol and blood sugar. In such a situation, this type of diet is becoming the first choice of people. It is also being claimed in some reports that people who consume a vegetarian diet have a longer life expectancy. is it really true
Dieticians say that consuming a vegetarian diet is also helpful in controlling blood sugar, maintaining good heart health, and reducing weight. However, health experts consider the consumption of meat-fish and other non-vegetarian things to be more effective for easy access to iron and protein. In such a situation, the question arises which diet is more effective and beneficial in keeping the body healthy? Let us understand this in further detail.
vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet

Vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet, which types of things are considered more beneficial in keeping the body healthy, has been a matter of discussion for a long time. In the conclusion of several studies, researchers found that vegetarian diets resulted in fewer calories, saturated fat, and lower cholesterol levels compared to other eating patterns. Apart from this, this type of diet is also high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

Vegetarians tend to weigh less than those who eat meat, which makes them less prone to serious diseases like cancer. In this case, a vegetarian diet can be considered more healthy.
Do vegetarians have a longer life expectancy?
In a comparative study conducted between vegetarians and non-vegetarians, the researchers found that vegetarians have a longer life expectancy than non-vegetarians. Research shows that reducing your meat intake can increase your lifespan by up to 3.6 years. The same report showed that people who consumed a plant-based diet were also more likely to live beyond the age of 70.

What do studies say?

Researchers found in the conclusion of the study that the lifestyle of vegetarian people is much better than that of other people. Research also says that vegetarians may also be less likely to smoke or drink alcohol. Maintaining a normal body mass index (BMI), and exercising regularly, has a relatively low risk of developing cholesterol-blood sugar levels. Eating a plant-based diet can also help control weight, which is essential to prevent heart disease and diabetes.

What is the conclusion of the research?

In the study's conclusion, researchers found that vegetarian diets tend to be more nutritious since vegetarianism that includes foods containing plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds can help promote healthy body growth and reduce the risk of disease. important to do. Vegetarian diets also contain plenty of fiber, plant protein, and antioxidants. If you consume non-vegetarian food, then control its quantity and do not consume red meat too much.

Note: This article has been prepared on the basis of medical reports and suggestions from health experts.

Disclaimer: All the articles published in the health and Fitness category are prepared on the basis of interaction with doctors, experts, and academic institutions. The facts and information mentioned in the article have been verified All instructions have been followed while preparing this article. The related article has been prepared to increase the information and awareness of the reader. Consult your doctor for more details about the related disease mentioned in the above article.

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