diabetes is more prone to nerve-related disorders, you can get benefits with the help of these yogasanas

The condition of diabetes can cause many types of problems in the body. Persistently high blood sugar levels can cause long-term damage to many organs. This is the reason why people with diabetes develop poor vision, digestive and kidney problems over time. In severe cases of diabetes, the nerves are also at risk of damage, this is known as diabetic neuropathy. This problem can cause digestive-urinary and heart-control problems, with symptoms such as pain and often numbness in the feet.

World diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14 november to make people aware of the increasing risk, complications and prevention of diabetes globally. Doctors say, such complications can be prevented by taking measures to control blood sugar.

Including yoga in the routine is considered a good option in this. Yogasanas can be helpful in keeping the nerves healthy. Let us know with the help of which yogasanas can help in reducing the risks of diabetic neuropathy?

Overall health benefits can be obtained by including the practice of Pranayama such as Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Ujjayi etc. in the daily routine. These exercises can help you maintain better circulation of blood while strengthening the nerves. Pranayama is known to have both mental and physical health benefits. It is not only helpful in reducing the risks of diabetic neuropathy, but it can also be beneficial in keeping diabetes under control.

Balasana, also known as Child's Pose, the habit of practicing it can be very beneficial in removing physical problems. Balasana yoga can be beneficial in keeping the nerves healthy and preventing complications related to it. The practice of this yoga can also be beneficial in relieving the tension of the back, neck and shoulders. This asana is also helpful in mental health benefits.

The practice of Viparitakarani yoga is very helpful for you in maintaining proper circulation of blood throughout the body, especially the brain. This can also help in keeping the nerves healthy. This yoga can also be beneficial in reducing problems like pain and tingling in the lower back and legs. Keeping the nerves healthy can reduce the risk of developing many more serious diseases.

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