Know the Side Effects of Milk Powder...
There is a lot of difference between natural milk and milk powder, if you think that powdered milk can meet the deficiency of milk or you will get the same benefit from it, then you are wrong. Milk powder does not contain lactose and it does not make up for calcium deficiency. On the contrary, its consumption leads to many diseases, such as diabetes, obesity and digestive problems.
Many times due to lack of milk in our house, we make tea or something sweet with milk powder, but it has double disadvantages. Many types of chemicals are used to preserve milk powder for a long time, due to which its excessive consumption becomes harmful. Chemicals like carbon, protein, potassium and nitrogen are used to make milk powder. Consuming milk powder for a long time leads to accumulation of such fats in the body, which are very difficult to get rid of.
Obesity increases
It contains artificial sugar, which harms the body. This increases weight. That's why avoid consuming it.
Diabetes problem
Excessive use of milk powder can increase the risk of diabetes because milk powder contains high amount of sugar.
High cholesterol
The amount of cholesterol in milk powder is also high. Fresh milk is cholesterol free. Consumption of fresh milk is safer than powdered milk.
Digestive problems
Milk powder takes more time to digest than milk, while if the ratio of milk powder and water is not right, the powder does not dissolve properly and this can cause problems related to digestion.