'Black Jaundice' -The worsened form!!!

If the initial symptoms of Jaundice, then it starts deteriorating the liver rapidly. This causes the skin to become dry and black and it is called Black Jaundice. This condition is caused by the infection of Hepatitis B and C virus.
In jaundice, not only the skin, mucus membrane and whites of the eyes, gradually the color of the body also starts turning yellow. This is one of the most common diseases in the monsoon season. This disease occurs due to dirty water or cut fruits or food.
In this disease, there is a problem in the liver or bile ducts and a layer of fat starts to build up in the liver. Due to this the liver is not able to function properly. When the liver is unable to function properly, a substance called bilirubin starts forming in the blood. Due to the increase of bilirubin, yellowing starts from the eye to the skin. When jaundice turns into hepatitis B or C after getting worse, then that condition is called black jaundice.
Risk of hepatitis infection
When jaundice turns into hepatitis, then the chances of its spreading from one to another increase. Although its virus does not spread through sneezing or coughing or droplet, but it can happen to others by coming in contact with blood, semen or other body fluids. At the same time, it can also happen from the pregnant mother to the child.
Symptoms of jaundice
In case of black jaundice, there is an increase in headache, low-grade fever, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, extremely dry and itchy skin, extreme fatigue and weakness. Skin, eyes and nails are yellow in jaundice and their yellowness increases further in black jaundice. The color of stool and urine is very dark yellow. Fever increases and weight starts decreasing.