Discovered cancer treatment-world's first cell therapy!!!

Cancer is such a deadly disease whose treatment is not yet possible. Life can be saved if cancer is detected in the early stage itself. Every year around one crore people lose their lives due to cancer all over the world. A very good news has come out for cancer patients. Some doctors of britain have treated a girl child suffering from leukemia (blood cancer). The good thing is that the girl's treatment has been successful and she has completely recovered.

According to a BBC report, the 13-year-old girl was suffering from leukemia. Doctors used a new type of cell therapy to treat the girl. This experiment was also done for the first time. These experiments have surprised the medical world, because the girl has now recovered. This girl named Alessa was given this cell therapy in the month of May this year and now she has completely recovered.

What is cancer and why is it dangerous?

There are crores of cells inside the human body. cancer begins when there is a change in the genes of these or more than one cell. These genes are pieces of human dna which are present inside every cell. When these genes are damaged, cancer cells start to arise. The formation of cancer cells means that the cells are not able to function as they should. If it is not detected in the beginning, these cells spread very fast and take the place of the original cell.

Breast cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and colorectal cancer patients are most commonly found in India. Things like sudden weight loss, severe fatigue, any kind of lump in the skin, severe pain in the bones, changes in the skin, anemia and swollen lymph nodes are considered to be symptoms of cancer. If you see any such symptoms, contact the doctor immediately and get the related tests done.

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