Diabetes: Dangers of high blood sugar...

Diabetes is definitely an incurable disease, but a healthy life can be lived by keeping blood sugar under control easily by paying special attention to diet and exercise habits. On the other hand, those who have heavy weight or are at risk of pre-diabetes risk, they must also make some changes in their diet. So let us tell you what kind of diet is best for normalizing high blood sugar and how you can keep sugar under control by eating whatever you want sometimes.
If diabetic patients start taking fibre-rich food in their daily diet, then not only the risk of obesity, hypertension and heart disease but all the problems caused due to increase in their sugar will also go away. diabetes is a metabolic disease, which is most affected by diet.
Dangers of high blood sugar
Due to the non-activation of insulin in the blood, sugar increases in the body, due to which the functioning of nerves, eyes, kidneys and other organs of the body starts getting affected. Symptoms of diabetes include loss of appetite, increased thirst, weight loss, frequent urination, blurred vision, extreme tiredness and wounds that do not heal.