Shocking:Covid vaccine related to heart attacks?

Heart attack cases have increased in youth for some time. In the youth, there are frequent cases of heart attack while exercising in the gym. In such a situation, the danger of heart attack is being linked to corona. Some people are claiming that the Covid vaccine is responsible behind it. Meanwhile, a shocking statement of former WHO Chief Scientist Soumya swaminathan has come out. She said that the risk of heart attack, diabetes, stroke has increased.

Soumya swaminathan said on tuesday that after taking the Covid vaccine, the risk of heart attack has increased by 4 to 5 percent. Covid infection is a main reason for heart attack. However, she also said that there is little fears that different variants of Corona can eliminate immunity made of vaccines, but it is necessary to keep monitoring continuously.

What do doctors say?

At the same time, doctors also believe that Covid can affect any system in human body. National heart Institute doctor Bikram Keshari Mohanty says that due to Corona, it has mainly affected the lungs and then the heart. He said that the infection can affect the whole heart (heart muscle) by causing inflammation and can damage any part of the body.

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