Apart from increasing the taste of the mouth, the ice ball also reduces the fat of the face.
CoolSculpting: In summer, with the help of ice balls, facial wrinkles and fat will be reduced, as well as the perfect jaw line will be visible.
Due to not doing physical exercise (CoolSculpting) in today's busy lifestyle, the problem of weight gain is increasing in people. Due to this, gradually fat starts accumulating on their body and there comes a time when their body shape changes completely. people start looking fat. Along with the human body, the color and appearance of the face also starts changing. Where people do not have time to exercise to maintain their body, in such a situation, they will exercise to show how to get a jawline of their face and to reduce facial fat. That's why today we are going to mention such a technique in front of you, with the help of which the fat on your face will disappear in a few days. The special thing in this is that you will not even need to do any kind of exercise.

Ice ball will remove fat from the face
In childhood, all of you must have tasted ice ball many times by sucking it, but hardly you came to know that that ball also helps in maintaining the brightness of your face. In fact, when you eat ice by sucking it, the cool sculpting process also goes on simultaneously, due to which fat does not build up on the face by eating ice cubes continuously. Apart from this, ice also gives coolness to your face, due to which there is no problem of acne and pimples. Now you must be thinking that what is this cool sculpting? Let us explain to you in detail what is cool sculpting and how it works.

What is Cool Sculpting?

Nowadays people are using cool sculpting therapy to reduce their increasing weight without surgery. It is so effective that people are ready to spend thousands and lakhs for it. Cool Sculpting is a new technology. In which there are some such applicators, by applying which your fat cells are reduced by 25-50% in 3 to 6 months. It cools your skin by suction and freezes it. With the help of this freezing technique, these applicators reach deep where fat is stored. Then fatty fat cells are destroyed through freezing. This natural process of destruction of fat cells is also called apoptosis and the same happens here. Cells are destroyed and melted through cool sculpting. Although healthy cells are not affected by this, because this process only affects fat cells.

In the same way, when you suck and eat balls, it freezes your insides and the useless bad fat cells break down and come out through sweat. However, there is a great need to pay attention to one thing that if you have diabetes or sugar problem, then avoid eating ice balls. Food colors are used to give different colors to the balls available in the market, which can also cause many diseases. That's why it is better that you make it naturally at home.

How to prepare Ice Gola at home?
First of all, rub a piece of ice well or make it into powder. Then with the help of a glass, give it a shape and put some rhubarb on it and enjoy the balls. Apart from this, if you want, you can mix the rasna with water in a utensil and freeze it by applying it in an ice cream tray. With this, you will be able to prepare different types of balls according to your choice.

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