Extreme heat lead to heart attacks..!?

Recently people from all walks of life irrespective of age are suffering from heart diseases and heart attacks. The number of heart attack cases has grown dramatically in recent years. In such situations, more awareness is needed to maintain heart health optimally. Summer is a great time to relax, socialize, play outside, exercise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, when the temperature is high, it is better to take care of your health. Especially a heart attack or stroke should be taken very seriously. Experts say it's especially important to monitor your health this time of year. people who experience heart-related problems, such as high cholesterol, should be extra careful.
Studies show that a quarter of heat-related deaths are caused by the link between extreme heat and cardiovascular disease. According to a study in the journal Circulation, deaths from heart disease are more common in Kuwait, a region in the Middle east where summer daytime temperatures are high. Most cardiovascular deaths occurring between temperatures of 95°F and 109°F were associated with higher temperatures, the study found. So before heading out in the scorching sun, there are a few tips to keep in mind

Follow the weather forecast: Take heat wave warnings seriously whenever they are issued. If you have a heart condition that requires attention, stay home. Cooler times can often go out in the late evening and early morning hours. 

Avoid dehydration: Make sure to stay hydrated by consuming at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day during the warmer months. dehydration is a big contributor to heart problems, experts say, and these problems get worse in the summer when your body loses water more quickly.

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