Diabetes patients can eat these five sweet fruits!!!
Diabetes patients have to avoid eating sweets. One has to avoid eating fruits in diabetes. Sweet fruits increase the level of sugar in the blood. In such a situation, the risk of developing diabetes increases even more. In such a situation, a diabetic patient has to think before eating fruits. Although there are many fruits which can be eaten by diabetic patients. Eating these sweet fruits does not increase the level of sugar in the blood.
Diabetes patients can eat these sweet fruits, blood sugar level will not increase .
Orange - Eating oranges rich in vitamin C, folate, fiber and potassium does not increase the sugar level. Orange is very beneficial for diabetes patients. However, you should not eat oranges in large quantities.
Apple - apple contains sugar, but eating it does not increase blood sugar rapidly. sugar patients can eat apples. If you like to eat fruits, then you can easily eat one apple in two days. It is also very beneficial for health.
Papaya - Eating papaya is good for diabetes patients. The glycemic index of papaya is very low, due to which blood sugar does not increase even after eating sweet papaya. Papaya contains enzymes named papain and chymopain, which digest fat easily.
Guava - Blood sugar patients are not harmed by eating guava. Guava contains sodium and potassium due to which guava is one of the diabetic friendly diet.
Jamun - Jamun has antioxidant properties, it helps in maintaining blood sugar level. Jamun also contains iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins along with antioxidant properties. Eating Jamun keeps blood sugar under control.