Not only neem leaves but also Nimboli are very beneficial, know how to eat them?

In Ayurveda, neem is also called 'divine medicine' because, with its properties, treatment of many diseases is possible. neem is known for its medicinal properties not only in india but all over the world.

Neem Nimboli Benefits

Everyone knows the benefits of neem leaves but do you know how beneficial it is to eat neem Nimboli? neem Nimboli is bitter to eat. But vitamin c, antioxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are found in them. Eating Nimboli increases the immunity of the body, helps in controlling blood sugar, relieves stomach problems, and also cures skin infections.

The neem tree has great importance in indian Ayurveda since ancient times. Every part of the neem tree – leaves, twigs, bark, seeds, roots, fruits, and flowers – has all been used in traditional Ayurvedic treatments. The best way to consume neem Nimboli is to chew it on an empty stomach in the morning. Apart from this, they can also be used in tea, soup, or salad. Nimboli can be ground into a paste and applied on wounds or skin. But keep in mind that do not eat too much at one go because it can cause stomach irritation, it should be consumed in balanced quantity only.

Prevents mouth ulcers

Neem leaves have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which kill the bacteria and fungus responsible for mouth ulcers. The anti-oxidants found in it reduce mouth ulceration and swelling. Helps in maintaining the pH balance of the mouth due to which bacteria are less able to grow. Anti-inflammatory properties reduce the pain and swelling that occurs in mouth ulcers.

Removes infection

Antibacterial and antifungal properties are found in Nimboli which kills infection agents like bacteria, viruses, and fungus. The phytochemicals found in it strengthen the body's immune system, which increases its ability to fight diseases. It increases the number of white blood cells and antibodies present in the blood.

Beneficial for skin

Nimboli is a very nutritious substance for your skin. antioxidants are found in abundance in Nimboli which help in slowing down the process of skin aging. Apart from this, vitamin c and vitamin E are also found in Nimboli which help keep the skin soft and glowing.

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