If you see these symptoms in the body, then understand that there is an infection in the liver, and avoid these things.

The liver is a very important organ in the human body. If there is an infection in the liver then it is a serious disease.

The liver is a very important organ in the human body

 If there is an infection in the liver then it is a serious disease. Swelling in the liver means that the liver tissues get damaged from the inside and start deteriorating. Due to this many types of problems start occurring in it. Once the liver gets infected, it gradually gets damaged. But the most important thing is how to detect liver infection. That is, how to recognize its initial symptoms.

What causes liver infection

The biggest cause of liver infection is virus and parasite infection. Which damages the liver deeply. The most surprising thing is that it reaches other parts through liver cells.

Dirty food or water

It also spreads by coming in contact with a person who has the infection.

A person who has a liver infection can also spread it to others through feces and urine.

hepatitis A

hepatitis B

due to hepatitis c

immune disease

Due to diseases related to bile duct

Symptoms of liver infection

In the initial stages of liver infection, severe stomach pain occurs. Apart from this, the problem of swelling in the stomach can also be seen in some people.

Jaundice may occur in case of liver-related problems. In this situation, the patient needs immediate treatment.

In case of liver infection, problems like rashes and peeling may occur on the skin.

If there is a change in the color of urine, there is a risk of liver infection.

Patients suffering from liver infection start losing appetite.

Some people may have problems like vomiting and nausea due to liver infection.

Tips to prevent liver infection

To prevent liver infections, patients need to change their lifestyles.

Keep your distance from alcohol and smoking.

Consume minimal oil and spices.

Drink lots of water.

eat less sugar

keep weight under control

do the exercise

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