Apply this oil on the soles of your feet and see how your face glows.

We buy and use many expensive products from the market to enhance our face. But do you know that massage the soles of your feet with ghee or oil and then see the benefits...

Benefits Of Applying ghee On Feet Sole

 We all use desi ghee in food, but do you know that massaging the soles of feet with desi ghee has many benefits? Massaging the soles of the feet provides relaxation to both the body and mind. It reduces stress and induces good sleep. It also cures many diseases. Let us tell you that if you massage the soles of your feet with ghee at night, your face can glow. You may find this strange to hear but it is true. Let us know the many benefits of massaging the soles of feet with desi ghee...

Insomnia problem

Applying ghee on the soles of the feet relieves insomnia, this is a natural remedy. Before sleeping at night, massage warm ghee on the soles and toes of your feet. This increases blood circulation in the legs and provides relief to the body. ghee contains vitamin E and antioxidants which help in reducing stress. By trying this home remedy, you will get good sleep and the problem of insomnia will go away. The effect will be visible if you adopt it daily for two to three weeks.

Relieve stress and anxiety

For this, wash your feet with lukewarm water before sleeping at night. Then heat desi ghee lightly and massage thoroughly around the soles and toes of your feet. Massage for 10-15 minutes. Desi ghee contains vitamins A, E, and K which help in reducing stress. Foot massage also loosens the muscles of the body and relieves mental stress.

Beneficial for skin

Vitamin A, E, K, and antioxidants are found in abundance in ghee, which are very beneficial for the skin. These make the skin healthy and glowing. Massaging the soles of the feet with desi ghee increases blood circulation, which produces new cells on the skin and clears the complexion. ghee has moisturizing properties that make the skin soft and smooth. It also removes any type of skin irritation or infection.

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