Diabetes vs Dark Chocolates: Can diabetic patients eat dark chocolate?
Only a few days are left for the new year. Before that, it is inevitable to eat chocolate at the christmas party. In such a situation, the question arises whether diabetic patients can eat dark chocolate.
Diabetes vs Dark Chocolates
Only a few days are left for the new year. Before that, it is inevitable to eat chocolate at the christmas party. In such a situation, the question arises whether diabetic patients can eat dark chocolate. Should chocolate made from milk be avoided? For your information, let us tell you that most chocolates are made from milk and it also contains a lot of sugar. sugar is added so that the bitterness of cocoa is hidden in it. Due to this, it contains plenty of fat and calories. Therefore both sugar and calories increase in chocolate. After eating, naturally, weight may increase. Along with this cholesterol also increases.
Should a diabetic patient eat dark chocolate?
Many people argue that dark chocolate is safe for people with diabetes because it contains less sugar. Because they contain 70 percent cocoa. But still, sugar is added to it. So be careful. Apart from this, they contain polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and research has shown that it keeps the sugar level in the blood under control. Helps the body use its insulin more efficiently. However, they are not enough to lower your blood sugar levels and cannot be recommended as an alternative to sweets for people suffering from diabetes.
Apart from this, processed dark chocolate destroys these health benefits, hence you can eat dark chocolate without stopping. If you have to eat dark chocolate then you should eat it under the limit. If your HbA1c (average blood sugar count for three months) levels are normal or less than 5.7 percent and within the normal range then eating a small amount of chocolate will not have any effect on your blood sugar levels. If your level is high then stay away.
Chocolate contains a lot of calories
So count the calories of chocolate and ensure that its weight does not exceed the daily calorie allowance. This means that you will have to eliminate other calorie sources on the day of treatment. Make sure a class of chocolate is offset by a balanced diet that includes whole grains, legumes, beans, leafy vegetables, and fruits.