From diabetes to high BP...everything will remain under control, know how to take care of your health in winter.
In winter, people suffering from heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, and mental health disorders may have to face many challenges. Cold, flu, and respiratory diseases may also increase.
Winter health Tips
It is extremely cold from december to January. Dense fog and low temperature maintain coolness in the weather. Which can affect health. In this season, people suffering from heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, digestion problems, and mental health disorders may have to go through many challenges. This is why such people are advised to take special precautions. Cold, flu, and other respiratory diseases are also common in winter. In such a situation, let us know how these two months affect our health…
cold, flu
Whenever there is a drop in temperature, the problems of cold and flu start increasing. Since there is less sunlight in this season. Due to this, there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body and the immune power starts weakening. This increases the risk of getting sick. To avoid these, measures should be taken to protect against cold.
Blood pressure will increase the problem
The problem of blood pressure is seen to increase rapidly in winter. bp is high in winter and low in summer. Actually, due to low temperature the blood vessels temporarily narrow. This increases blood pressure. More pressure is required to circulate blood through narrowed veins and arteries. This may affect heart health. For this reason, more cases of heart attack are found in winter.
Problems of diabetes patients are increasing
In winter, not only blood pressure but also the problems of diabetic patients can increase to a great extent. With the drop in temperature, blood sugar increases in many diabetics. Cold weather increases stress in the body, in response to which the body releases stress hormones like cortisol to increase energy. These hormones increase blood sugar levels by reducing insulin production. In this situation, the kidney, liver, and heart can be negatively affected. To keep this under control, one should protect the body from cold and keep taking medicines from time to time.
Asthma and respiratory problems
The month of December- january can be difficult for people who are suffering from asthma or respiratory diseases. Problems like mucus increase due to cold, dry winds and sudden weather changes. Due to this asthma triggers and heart attacks can increase.