Smoke Biscuits for life! 10 years in jail if you use dry ice for food! Food Safety Department!
He had posted a shocking video to show the dangers of smoking biscuits to children. The tamil Nadu Food Safety Department has issued a warning that if dry ice is used in food, a jail term of 10 years and a fine of Rs 10 lakh will be imposed. Mohan G, who is active on social media, had posted a shocking video to show the dangers of smoking biscuits to children. In the video, a boy eagerly buys and consumes a smoke biscuit, only to wince in pain within minutes. director Mohan Ji also had an important appeal to the chief minister along with the heart-warming video. In that, the snack called Smoke pistachio sold like this should be banned immediately. Children will be tempted to eat by looking at the smoke. What is poured into it is liquid nitrogen, even a spoonful of which is life-threatening. He requested the tamil Nadu government to ban this.
The Food Safety Department of tamil Nadu has issued a warning that children should not consume smoked biscuits as it is dangerous to life. Also, ingestion of food products prepared with liquid nitrogen can cause death. Drinking liquid nitrogen freezes tissue and ruptures the gastrointestinal tract. Also, restaurants should not sell food mixed with nitrogen ice. Officials of the Food Safety Department have warned that if dry ice is used in food, a 10-year jail term and a fine of Rs 10 lakh will be imposed.