Heart Attack Causes: Increasing temperature is fatal for the heart!

If you want to avoid heart attack in summer, then keep these special things in mind.

Heart Attack Causes: The risk of serious diseases like heart attack also increases amid increasing temperature. In such a situation, if you want to keep your heart healthy, then keep these special things in mind during the summer season.

Heart Attack Causes

As soon as the summer season starts, many serious health problems surround you. In this season, due to strong sunlight, heat stroke and dehydration problems are common. But, let us tell you that the summer season also has a bad effect on the health of the heart (Heart Attack Causes). According to health experts, due to rising temperatures, hot winds in this season, the risk of heart related problems, especially heart attack, increases a lot.

In such a situation, it is very important to take special care of the health of the heart in this season. Let us know why the risk of heart attack increases in summer and how to avoid it...

Risk of heart attack in summer

According to health experts, the risk of heart attack increases a lot due to heat wave. Because due to increasing heat, the body tries to control its internal temperature and in this situation, reactions like increased heartbeat, dilation of blood vessels and sweating occur, so that heat can be released from the body. In such a situation, these reactions also affect our heart.Apart from this, people who have chronic diseases, such as any heart-related problem, such people can be more affected by the increase or decrease in temperature. Due to this, a person can also have heart failure, heart attack or heart arrhythmia.

Take care of the heart in summer like this?

- Drink as much water as possible in summer and keep the body hydrated.

- Do not go out during high temperatures and if there is any work outside the house, avoid doing it in the afternoon.

- Wear light and cotton clothes in this season.

- Consult your health care provider before starting any new exercise in this season.

- Keep the amount of things that dehydrate the body such as alcohol, caffeine etc. to a minimum.

- Apart from this, keep the food light in the summer season. In such a situation, do not consume too hot or too cold food.

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